Online Hypnosis for Anxiety
Online Hypnosis for
Online Hypnosis for Anxiety is a Service we provide with passion and compassion through our Advance Hypnosis Online Clinics. We understand acutely that nothing is more important than your mental & emotional health. We also understand that sometimes it simply isn’t possible for you to get to one of our physical clinic locations, for whatever reason or circumstance. You can be assured that we deliver the same high quality solution focused therapy online in our virtual therapy rooms.

Our Services
Further Information
The benefits of hypnosis in the fight to overcome anxiety and other mental & emotional health issues is well documented and has been validated in many scientific and peer reviewed studies over a number of decades (Expert Reviews compiled by D Corydon Hammond, University of Utah School of Medicine)
Recent studies have shown that over 60 per cent of people in Ireland know someone that is or has suffered with mental health issues.
Anxiety has increased at an alarming rate in recent years in Ireland, not only among adults but also among our adolescents and younger adults. Although awareness, attitude & understanding of anxiety and mental health issues has improved massively, the two main reasons cited by people affected by mental health issues such as anxiety are embarrassment and being afraid to admit that they are experiencing difficulties.
With only 16% of people saying that they regularly take action to care for their mental & emotional health it takes the mystery out of why severe level anxiety has become endemic in Ireland. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Preventing mental & emotional distress from getting out of hand and turning into more serious issues is of course the preferred route, but if things have spiraled out of control already Hypnosis can offer substantial therapeutic benefits in recovery.
You can contact us with absolute peace of mind that you will be welcomed with dignity & respect.