Advance Hypnosis Clinic Navan

Advance Hypnosis Clinic Navan

Navan Republic of Ireland

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046 907 1983


Wayne P Hennessy CHT

The Navan Clinic & Online Therapy

WP Hennessy CHt is a professional hypnotherapist, and Hypnosis CPD accredited Trainer delivering simplified and effective hypnotherapy techniques and trained to the utmost highest standard graduating from both The UKHA & the institute of clinical hypnotherapy.

Wayne is the Founder of the Advance Clinics Network, which is now widely recognized as Irelands No1 Hypnotherapy Provider. Wayne operates the Advance Hypnosis Clinic in Navan location in the heart of County Meath.

Wayne’s unique passion for Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy & delivery style, along with his years of experience, has enabled him to develop specialized techniques for helping and assisting people who are significantly affected in their daily lives from conditions such as Trauma P-TSD and Weight related issues, Anxiety, Panic Disorders along with fears & phobias including Sports Performance to mention only a few has gained him the respect and admiration of the Hypnosis community in both Ireland & Northern Ireland and the UK.

Wayne is a highly respected CPD accredited Hypnosis trainer and thoroughly enjoys training both new student graduates of Hypnosis along with seasoned therapists in assisting those to reach the highest industry standards. Wayne is also recognized by and accredited by the CPD Standards Office in the UK and The GHSC, The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and registered through the GHR General Hypnotherapy Register.

Wayne’s work and his compassionate interventions have also been recognized by both Doctors, Consultants & Hospitals alike alongside other healthcare professionals for his selfless passion in helping patients regain better mental and physical & emotional well being, and Wayne continues to enjoy strengthening those professional relations each day through the course of his work within his busy practice in Navan.

Since 1998 Wayne has been helping people reach for and achieve their maximum popularial by passionately working towards achievable goals with Sports Performance working with athletes from amateur to semi-professionals to professionals, including local sports clubs.

Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy is the most powerful and successful way to achieve subconscious healing. Working with the Subconscious mind can give you the permanent change that is rarely possible with mere willpower.

Hypnotherapy is a solution-based therapy that can effectively deal with panic attacks, fears and phobias, trauma, quittings from smoking to alcohol, drug abuse, and gambling. And can lift depression, chronic stress, unresolved anger issues and take away undesirable habits such as nail-biting.

Hypnosis can help to re-establish confidence and self-esteem, from getting you ready for that new job interview, preparing you for that public presentation, to calming your nerves for that all-important driving test.

Wayne also developed the specialized Hypno-Health and BlendMeSlim all-natural weight loss systems & standard weight-loss programs 1 – 2 & 3 Hypno gastric band and is also the developer of the highly successful Reduce2Quit quittings programs with proven testimonials.

Wayne is driven by passion, and his mission is to go the extra mile to help his clients open their minds and assist in reshaping their beliefs and stop at nothing to allow each client to become the very best they could imagine.

Wayne is friendly, confident, and a champion of professionalism. He inspires every client that visits him at his Navan Clinic. Thank you for taking the time to learn about Wayne. We are happy to help you arrange an appointment to see Wayne at his Advance Hypnosis Navan Clinic – For further information, please feel free to contact:

Wayne P Hennessy CHt,  The Navan Clinic

Advance Hypnosis Clinics Founder & Director
Call: (046) 907 1983 Mobile: (087) 3839556 or Freephone 1800-987888

Claustrophobia MRI

Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 17, 2023

Hi Wayne, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for helping me with my fear of claustrophobia and getting my MRI done. I had it a few weeks ago and albeit I was given sedation again the whole process was much better than before and that the building panic in my chest just wasn’t there. Thank you! Suzann


Quit Smoking

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

After many failed attempts I am finally a non smoker thanks to Wayne. Would highly recommend this therapy to anyone. Thank you so much Wayne.

Ruth Nolan


Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

I would highly recommend advance hypnosis in navan clinic 👍 I am a new man today because of the help Wayne gave me . I will be forever grateful to Wayne as I use to drink a bottle off whiskey everyday and now I can finally say I’ve never looked back Wayne has not just helped me but has helped my family as well so for this I will always be thankful to Wayne 🙏🏻

Shane Murphy

Anxiety and panic attacks

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

I’d highly recommend Wayne for anyone dealing with anxiety. When I first went to see him, I was crippled with panic attacks. However in a matter of sessions, I feel so much relief. I have a brand new mindset, and I’m thankful for the help he gave me.

Mia Casey

Smoker for over 30 years

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

Amazing 👏

congratulations, wayne.

I can now after thirty odd years of smoking a pack a day ,say im a non-smoker 😁😁

I visted wayne a month ago to help me quit smoking .

To be honest i didnt know much about Hypnosis i was a bit nervous and probably more sceptical about it.

Straight away Wayne put me at ease and talked me through the process i found the whole experience very professional and calming.

I actually still cant figure out what Wayne done with me but hand on heart its nothing short of a miracle. I walked out of his office a non-smoker and haven’t smoked since!!! the strange thing about it was i still got the cravings a few days later but the cravings weren’t for cigarettes.

Thanks for everything Wayne your a absolute Gentleman and best of luck to you and your clients in the future 👍

Johnny Farrell

Eating problems

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

Wayne is brilliant at his job iv took my daughter here when she developed a eating disorder thanks to wayne we now believe hynosis works and I’m so grateful I came across wayne page I will continue to bring my daughter to wayne for therapy for one one session thank you wayne

Tracey H

Hypnosis with Wayne

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

The very relaxing and competent manner in which Wayne carries out his work gives one great confidence in the treatment.

Brian Kelly

Anxiety gone

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

I am shocked how well hypnosis has worked on me. My only regret is that I didn’t get it done sooner. Crippled with anxiety I went to see Wayne who was so amazing to deal with. Made me extremely comfortable during the consultation. I really wasn’t sure what to expect from it. My God , it was instant effect after my first session. And I’ll be forever grateful. I just hope people who are suffering from anxiety read this and seriously consider going. It’s worth every penny. You will be set free!!

Mairead Flood

Fear of driving

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

Very good service, would definitely recommend, wasn’t sure about it at first. But it really helped me I am now driving without fear or worries wyane is fantastic person. I amvery happy with my outcome thanks 😊

Veronica Faulkner

Sexual assault trauma and quit smoking

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 15, 2023

I walked into clonard house to stop smoking (sceptical and with a smoke in my hand ). I walked out Two hours later and threw my cigarettes in the bin, and haven’t looked back since. Two weeks off the smokes now and counting. Wayne Hennessey is a true professional, so down to earth, and really put me at ease. I am truly amazed with the transformation within myself already. I wish I could go every week �

Back again! I recently returned to the advanced hypnosis clinic Navan and I am thrilled with my results !

My thoughts on my experience in the Advance Hypnosis Navan Clinic are as follows:

I had been attending the rape crisis center and was moving the anger grain by grain for every hour long session. I decided to contact the clinic to avail of an intervention to remove the intense rage that had consumed my daily thoughts . I’m happy to say that after my first session of hypnotherapy my rage about childhood trauma was reduced from a 10 out of 10 to a 2 out of 10.

The dream like sequence I was walked through was dignified, cerebral and beautiful my subconscious mind healing itself with guidance from my therapist .

The second session i experienced an amazing therapy called Kinetic Shift delivered by Wayne and attended at the clinic proceed to reduce my rage from a 2 to a 0.5 which is a level I can manage and can now become effective in other aspects of my life. I am now back to goal setting, enjoying training in the gym instead of using it as an outlet for anger and have returned to my studies. I have now come back to living in my day to day life without being consumed by heavy and powerful negative emotions. 😇

Rachel McInerney

I feel more confident in myself.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 25, 2022

“Wow” only 3 weeks on the hypnoketo weight loss programme and I’m already feeling the benefits. I have lost 8 pounds in weight, I feel energised, less bloated and have a better sleep pattern. My mood is so much more improved. I feel more confident in myself. Wayne, you are an inspiration to me and have helped me through this process, I could not and would not have began to do this without the Navan Weight Loss Hypnosis Clinic and Wayne’s positivity. I would highly recommend this programme to those of you who struggle with diets. Thanks for everything Wayne and the team.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 25, 2022

Angela O Hara Mcquillan – Weight Loss – I just had my second session of Hypnosis this week with Wayne and I have to say it is great. I went in not knowing what to expect. I was a bit nervous of the Unknown. I thought I was going to be in a trance like state but it wasn’t like that. It was just a lovely experience from start to finish. Firstly Wayne made me feel very much at ease. He is a great fella and very chatty. He really knows how to make you feel comfortable and does his job very well. I really enjoyed the experience and feel so much more positive in myself. I went to him to try lose weight because the last few years I’ve been up and down on the scales. So far it’s working. So Thank you Wayne for all your help and I look forward to seeing you soon. Angela



Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 5, 2020

The best decision I ever made sorry I didn’t do it years ago. Wayne is a genius, so down to earth and easy to talk to, since attending the Navan clinic I have dropped down by two dress sizes and I feel great. Wayne and Lisa thank you so much for all your help.


6 months ago I made a decision that changed my life for the better…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 25, 2020

6 months ago I made a decision that changed my life for the better… I attended the Navan hypnosis clinic for weight loss. Results speak for themselves, I’m more confident, I’ve a positive attitude with life itself, more active, happy, I could keep going but the best gift by far I’ve been able to give myself with Wayne’s help is to love myself from the inside & the results are showing on the outside. After a head injury, I’ve had to deal with its effects & developed epilepsy, something I found so difficult to deal with & I took comfort in food. I ate my way to 23 stone in Jan 16, took me over a year & a half to lose 3 stone of it… I then attended sessions with Wayne when I weighed 20 stone. 6 months in & I’ve lost over 6 stone. I haven’t put one piece of sugar, junk food or fizzy drink into my body because I don’t crave them… its that simple. I eat nutritious food that I know will benefit me. Never thought I’d be able to walk down the sweet aisle and not want anything, go to the cinema without eating crap, enjoy nights out without that chipper on the way home and its easy because I’ve no cravings & I’m committed. I arrived at this clinic at the right time in my life. What I didn’t realise is it doesn’t just help with weight loss, other aspects of my life have changed because my outlook has changed, the mind is so powerful. I’ve nothing but respect for Wayne (hypnotherapist) and Lisa(therapist advisor) who do their jobs out of pure passion, to help people from all walks of life and cast no judgement on the path they have taken. They do this 6 days a week and are only a phone call away. You guys will never know how grateful I am, all I can do is share my journey with others & hope more people get to experience this program because its life changing.


Soothing the mind and of course over three stone in weight gone

Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 21, 2019

Due to the advance weight program it has stabilised my type 2 diabetics, given me untold energy as well as soothing the mind and of course over three stone in weight gone. So I urge everyone out there to get involved and see all the gains in mind, body & soul; when the mind is disturbed so is the body; when the mind is at peace so is the body, so do it today and never look back.


You may be wondering where to turn?

Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 2, 2019

If you are reading these reviews, you may be wondering where to turn? Will this be for you? The answer is yes! Pick up the phone and make the call, it will change your life! This is exactly what I did, I have struggled for years with emotional eating, a mixture of holding onto stuff from the past, shame of myself etc. I booked a consultation and never looked back, to cut a long story short I no longer have sugar in my life, no junk or processed foods and I have never felt better! And on the plus side no cravings!! Weight Loss and feeling better in myself about myself. Wayne and Lisa are the A team without a doubt, this programme is amazing; Hypnosis is amazing and learning and educating yourself on foods is something to be enjoyed each day. Wayne is absolutely brilliant, this guy cares about each and every person through his door and is changing lives for the better. I can’t be more thankful to Wayne and Lisa for all their help and hard work . Thank you for saving and changing my life for the better


Just nearly 5 stone off now over a few months

Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 25, 2018

Just nearly 5 stone off now over a few months, i would highly recommend these programmes for anybody… it’s effortless and a really enjoyable journey, Wayne is a great man very passionate in what he does I’m truly grateful.


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