Blend Me Slim
Solutions to successful Weight Loss and we have done it!
We are now ready to launch our BlendMeSlim programs 1-2 & 3.

Our Services
Further Information
Food Science based on natural fresh ingredients,
which you purchase in your local greengrocers or super market giving YOU complete control, then we have combined it with powerful hypnotic guided imagery delivered by your certified Clinician.
Designed for your healthy weight loss, designed for your success.
At Advance Hypnosis Clinics we firmly believe that Weight Loss should be fun and exciting as well as healthy & natural.
We all know that diets don’t work and frequently lead to unhealthy yo-yo cycles that are not just hard on your body but also hard on your mind and on your emotions.
This is why at Advance Hypnosis Clinics we don’t do diets!
Instead we are leading the field in Healthy Weight Loss Interventions, coupling healthy, natural, nutritionally balanced food combinations with powerful personally tailored guided hypnotic imagery developed to lead to your permanent sustainable success.
We continue to push the boundaries in professional Weight Loss Therapy for you, bringing you cutting edge service with passion and absolute dedication.
We know and fully understand that only through innovative & forward thinking, professionally developed programs tailored to your personal needs is it realistic to expect permanent success.
Just imagine how good you will feel when you blend your self slim with BlendMeSlim
So what do you need to do to take advantage of this powerful Weight Loss Program?
Simple, get in touch with any of our approved Clinicians and arrange your first personal consultation, where we establish your personal facts, strength and challenges. Armed with this information your Clinician can then give you a realistic expectation of what you need to commit to in terms of duration and investment. Once both you and your clinician agree to go forward the first therapeutic appointment can be arranged and that’s it. You are on your exciting BlendMeSlim Journey.
You can also contact us here using the contact form at the bottom of this page to request a call back.
If you prefer to call us, our dedicated Therapies Advisor, is ready to take your call during office hours on Lo-Call 1890 987 888