Advance Hypnosis Clinic Dublin City Centre

Advance Hypnosis Clinic Dublin City Centre

Dublin Republic of Ireland

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087 1911452


Aurelien Lesage – Clinical Hypnotherapist

Advance Hypnosis Dublin City Centre is the hot spot Hypnotherapy Clinic to deal with the constant pressure of fast paced city life. Aurelien understands the mental strain a high pressure environment coupled with long working hours creates. He understands how difficult it can be to balance life in the city. He understands how easy it is to lose oneself and slip into negative behaviours and thought patterns.

Aurelien: “As a former professional Chef working in a very demanding environment for 18 years, I knows all about this and call it”

Life in the Pressure Cooker

From personal experience I can tell you it inevitably leads to burn out. Burn out leads to misbehaviour because one needs to compensate for the lack of feeling good naturally.  Some people start to eat their troubles and others drown them with alcohol. Others take drugs, gamble or shop incessantly. All this just to get away from themselves. All this to feel better just for a brief moment. Some even take their stress out on others because they can no longer control their frustration.

It leads to emotional chaos. Constantly feeling dissatisfied and even getting angry and irritated at things that are irrelevant for most people in life, but seem extremely important all of a sudden.  Life is not supposed to feel like this.

If the mental and emotional element of burn out is not effectively addressed it poses the danger of leading to a complete breakdown.  It is always the better choice to avoid this by taking positive steps to personal change before it all comes crashing down”.

Hypnotherapy has helped countless people to take the lid off that pressure cooker lifestyle and bring their life back into balance.

It has helped countless people to take back control and get rid of unwanted habits, behaviours and coping mechanisms. Hypnosis has helped people struggling with Quittings, Mental and Emotional Distress, Weight Loss, Trauma, Anxiety and much more.

You can contact Aurelien at Advance Hypnosis Dublin City Centre with confidence that you will be welcomed in complete confidentiality.

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