Hypnosis for IBS
IBS Affects 1 in 5 people
Hypnosis for IBS, Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome has greatly contributed to improve quality of life for people suffering with this disorder. Research has continually found that hypnotherapy helps by improving the primary symptoms of IBS. Research has continually found that hypnotherapy helps by improving the primary symptoms of IBS.
Hypnosis for IBS additionally helps in the relief of other symptoms associated with IBS suffered by many people with this condition. Such as feelings of nausea, constant fatigue, persistent backache, including sleeping problems often brought about by the discomfort related to IBS.

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Further Information
According to research Hypnotherapy appears to offer
Symptomatic, psychological, and physiological benefit. However it is important to understand that hypnosis is not to be regarded as a cure-all. But on the upside up to 75% of all sufferers of IBS responded very well to Hypnosis. Many citing significant improvements in as little as 2 or 3 hypnotherapy session after conventional approaches to treatment yielded no real change.
However in saying that, it is very important that you seek the help of your family GP before you engage in any other alternative treatment as persistent and sustained IBS should never be ignored, this is to rule out any previously undetected underlying medical condition.
That being said Hypnotherapy for IBS
remains a credible intervention where it has been identified that the individual suffering from the condition may have the origins of their IBS rooted in deep emotional distress. It is also important that lifestyle factors such as diet are also taken into account when aiming to assist someone to recover from their IBS symptoms and of course the question on most people’s lips would be do the effects of hypnotherapy last after the client has completed the recommended number of hypnosis treatments?
Research suggests that in the long-term follow up of those who have benefited from Hypnosis for IBS, where stress, anxiety or chronic panic disorders have been clearly identified as the main emotional driver causing their condition all have done very well requiring no further treatment at all.
If you would like to know more about exploring the idea of Hypnotherapy for IBS simply visit your local Advance Hypnosis Clinic.