Advance Hypnosis Clinic Wexford

Advance Hypnosis Clinic Wexford

Wexford Republic of Ireland

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087 6450616


Silvia Henrich CHT

Advance Hypnosis Wexford, private and confidential service guaranteed.

Silvia is based in the South East of Ireland and is available for in person appointments in Gorey, Wexford and Online Therapy.

She is a professional Hypnotherapist with over 30 years of experience in the field of holistic health. Her background encompasses a wide variety of skills, including Kinesiology, Brain Integration, Self-development, Stress Relief and Mindfulness in the Modern world. Silvia draws upon all her experience to create hypnotherapy treatments that are uniquely tailored to the specific needs of each person who walks through her doors.

Silvia says: “Distress begins with a single thought… So does health”.

“I believe our most precious possession is our mental, physical, emotional and social health. To me, health is more than just an absence of illness or distress. It is a state in which contentedness and peace, enthusiasm, confidence and self-worth are the normal balanced way of being”.

It is my passion to assist others in freeing themselves from any confines which are disabling their ability to claim this natural state for themselves”. Hypnotherapy is the most successful method to effect positive changes to our behaviours and our mental well-being. It helps people struggling

with Weight IssuesSmoking Cessation, Anxiety, Depression, Fears, Phobias, Quitting and Trauma of any kind, including abuse and bereavement.

Therapy services can be delivered in both English and German and also online.

Night Classes at Adult Education Gorey Community School with Silvia Henrich

Silvia is a thought after Educator and guest lecturer. She has delivered highly interactive, solution focused Adult Education Courses for many years. Taking the mystery out of subjects such as stress release, mindfulness meditation and self-care in a practical, no nonsense manner.  Her courses attract people who want and need to take better care of themselves but often don’t know where or how to start.


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Went to see Sylvia for anxiety.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
June 15, 2022

went to see Sylvia for anxiety. I have suffered from this for years. I have to say thank you to Sylvia for all your help during my hypnosis sessions. Every morning I would wake up with anxiety, I would feel a lot of fear like something bad was going to happen. It was so bad it would paralyze me most morning where I would sit there and think of all the bad things that could happen. It stopped me from living my life fully for years. Every week after a session I would feel much better. When I finished my sessions I have noticed gradually over the last few weeks how much my life have improved. I have not once sat there in the morning and think of all the bad things that could happen. I get up every morning and get on with my life and the more I engage in my life the more my life gets better. I’m noticing every week I am feeling much better and I expect every week to get better and better from here on in. Hypnosis has changed my life so much. Sylvia is one of the nicest person I have ever met. From the minute you enter her clinic you feel at ease in her friendly company. Her gentle but firm approach during hypnosis is very calming and you feel so relaxed after it. If you are from the South East and your thinking of doing hypnosis session for whatever reason Sylvia is the woman to go to. Thank you Sylvia you are a star.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
April 1, 2022

Eliz Lawlor – Online Weight Loss Hypnosis – I went to Sylvia in March of this year, depressed tired in constant pain and overweight. Had a consultation and five sessions with Sylvia (still one left) and six months later I’m 3 stone lighter, pain free and happier than I’ve ever been. Can’t recommend this lady enough, just lovely to work with, she has changed my world. I would highly recommend anyone to try hypnosis with Sylvia. its truly worth it. Go on change your life.


Thanks to Silvia

Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 20, 2022

Thanks to Silvia I no longer have constant thoughts about ending my life. I no longer feel guilty about everything and not carrying that feeling round everyday has meant that I can live my life again. My relationship with my family has improved drastically as a result. I had got to the stage where I needed a few drinks most nights just to make me feel better… I don’t anymore



Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 8, 2022

I availed of Silvia ‘s service many years ago after I experienced emotional pain. I began with six sessions. During the first session I noticed I felt very relaxed , safe and comfortable with Silvia. I also noticed how quickly I was able to move to a state of hypnosis without even being aware I was under hypnosis. During each session I felt Silvia ‘s warmth , kindness and support . I came away from the sessions feeling lighter , more energised and less stressed . I also began to notice and experience feelings of joy and happiness once again. Because of my first experience I decided to return years later to find that Silvia had an online service. I availed of Silvia s online service as I had quiet a bit to travel . From my online experience with Silvia I can tell you the experience was no different to my first experience with Silvia in the therapy room. Silvia s online service was Five ***** . It is good to know that I do not have to leave the comfort of my home from now on for sessions. I am delighted you went online Silvia . The zoom experience is outstanding . I am looking forward to my next online session. Thanks again Silvia…. Mel.


So lucky to have found Sylvia

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 1, 2022

So lucky to have found Sylvia, having tried everything to stop smoking for many years, I had one hypnosis over a year ago and have successfully not smoked since. Not smoking now has changed my whole life… my children are happier, my career can flourish, my health is better. I feel privileged and grateful everyday because smoking nearly destroyed me. Thank you so much Sylvia x


Very happy that I went to Sylvia for hypnosis.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 11, 2022

Very happy that I went to Sylvia for hypnosis. Exams were really stressing me out, after two sessions I was really calm and confident and had no trouble remembering what I had learned. This had been my biggest problem that I wouldn’t remember the information during exams but was fine outside the exams. Thanks for your help Sylvia, would really recommend anyone with the same problem to go here. I’ll be back before my driving test if I need it.


I’ve found Sylvia to be an excellent practitioner

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 11, 2022

I’ve found Sylvia to be an excellent practitioner and have had huge success with her work. She maintains a professional yet warm and welcoming atmosphere in her clinic and her hypnosis results speak for themselves. I couldn’t recommend her enough for any and all issues hypnosis can help. I had tried many other avenues to resolve past issues but this finally worked.Recently I found it really effective in my professional career and have great success for increasing work productivity and results.


I went to see Sylvia for anxiety.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 23, 2021

I went to see Sylvia for anxiety. I have suffered from this for years. I have to say thank you to Sylvia for all your help during my hypnosis sessions. Every morning I would wake up with anxiety, I would feel a lot of fear like something bad was going to happen. It was so bad it would paralyze me most morning where I would sit there and think of all the bad things that could happen. It stopped me from living my life fully for years. Every week after a session I would feel much better. When I finished my sessions I have noticed gradually over the last few weeks how much my life have improved. I have not once sat there in the morning and think of all the bad things that could happen. I get up every morning and get on with my life and the more I engage in my life the more my life gets better. I’m noticing every week I am feeling much better and I expect every week to get better and better from here on in. Hypnosis has changed my life so much. Sylvia is one of the nicest person I have ever met. From the minute you enter her clinic you feel at ease in her friendly company. Her gentle but firm approach during hypnosis is very calming and you feel so relaxed after it. If you are from the South East and your thinking of doing hypnosis session for whatever reason Sylvia is the woman to go to. Thank you Sylvia you are a star.


I have had some incredible experiences with Sylvia

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 25, 2021

I have had some incredible experiences with Sylvia. She is an extremely knowledgeable and comforting therapist. You will instantly feel relaxed in her presence and oh boy will you come away from your appointment with Sylvia a new person! I know of a lot of people who have been to Sylvia for various different reasons and we all agree she is fantastic! I received hypnotherapy for my anxiety and it has worked a treat.


Huge thank you

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 20, 2021

Had three sessions with silivia Hendrick from gorey to help me with my fear of flying and I want to give her a definite five stars and a huge thank you



Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 3, 2021

I decided to have hypnotherapy sessions with Silvia, following a difficult situation at work which triggered my anxiety from few years ago and I was in a constant state of dread and panic. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder few years ago and had been on medication which I had managed to come off. I had also spent about 2 years in counselling. When the anxiety came back this year, I wanted to try something different, something that would get to the root cause. That’s how I came across Silvia. Due to covid 19 all the sessions were on zoom. After just 4 sessions, I had a breakthrough. I no longer have the constant feeling of dread in me and I find that I don’t panic easily. I’m a lot more confident at work and I feel happy and a lot lighter. I no longer walk around with a pit in my stomach. I feel like I got a new lease on life, I never thought it was possible to feel this way.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 12, 2021

Online Hypnosis for Headspace I recently took advantage of Silvia’s Online Hypnosis Service during the Covid Lockdown. Via Zoom we had an utterly brilliant session. She totally transformed my headspace bringing about a sense of calmness I haven’t had in ages. I am very new to doing anything online and was nervous it wouldn’t work but it was extremely easy, Silvia’s lovely soothing voice came through perfectly and I found myself effortlessly going under. I am really looking forward to the next session and I can honestly say, this method is as good at sitting in her treatment room! Thank you Silvia!


Thank you very much for being there.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
May 25, 2021

I was at an event and my throat felt as if it was closing following an emotional release treatment and I could not speak. All I could do was swallow but my voice would not work. I felt as if somebody’s hands were around my throat and they were pressing it closed. Somebody noticed I was struggling and called Silvia over to help. After assessing that it was not a physical problem she asked could she very quickly hypnotise me and neutralise the feeling. I agreed even though in any other situation I would not ever have agreed to anyone hypnotising me but I was frightened and panicked and I knew I could trust Silvia. She hypnotised me immediately before I could change my mind and the whole thing was over before I knew it, it only took about two minutes at most. I was very surprised afterwards the feeling had left completely and I haven’t had it since and even though I want to clear my throat I no longer need to and when it enters my mind I don’t bother with it. Silvia’s voice was like an anchor to me. Thank you very much for being there at the right time in the right place.


Just a quick Update: Maintaining Weight Loss

Rated 5.0 out of 5
April 25, 2021

Just a quick Update: Maintaining Weight Loss I had hypnosis with Silvia Henrich, nearly two years ago , it changed my life , I still have maintained my weight loss, and it’s part of my daily routine, I am a size 10 and with exercise, and good nutrition , I am very happy with my weight loss. Would highly recommend Sylvia for hypnosis, or any of her treatments


Many thanks to Silvia and would have no hesitation in recommending her services.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 25, 2021

I attended Silvia for a session to assist with a fear of public speaking. From the start, I was treated with reassuring professionalism and she explained the entire procedure. During my session, I felt at all times safe and calm, Silvia has a lovely soothing voice and it was so easy to follow. I had a public presentation to give shortly after my session and I did feel much more confident, still nervous but I, now, experienced a sense of being in control of my voice and body movements speaking in front of others. Many thanks to Silvia and would have no hesitation in recommending her services.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 12, 2020

Peace of mind. I found Sylvia to be an excellent practitioner and have had huge success with her work. She maintains a professional yet warm and welcoming atmosphere in her clinic and her hypnosis results speak for themselves. I couldn’t recommend her enough for any and all issues hypnosis can help. I had tried many other avenues to resolve past issues but this finally worked.Recently I found it really effective in my professional career and have great success for increasing work productivity and results.


I can’t thank Silvia enough!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
June 26, 2020

I can’t thank Silvia enough! I have struggled with a lack of motivation, to do the exercises I know I need to help get my weight down, for years. Thanks to your hypnotherapy sessions, I feel fantastic, I have oodles of energy, I have lost 10lbs and I haven’t felt this good in years. I would highly recommend you to anyone with any kind of struggle in their life. Thank you so much!!


hypnotised me and helped me to get great relief from the ongoing irritation.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 20, 2020

I went to Sylvia for hypnosis to help me to accept a bridge of three teeth in my mouth. After 5 weeks of irritation Sylvia hypnotised me and helped me to get great relief from the ongoing irritation.


I highly recommend you for hypnotherapy,

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 20, 2020

Hi everyone , my name is John and I went to Silvia for a hypnotherapy session for early itch that has bothered me for years, I used to be scratching the insides of my ears with keys etc which was dangerous but I couldn’t stop doing it. Silvia hypnotised me to stop the bad habit of scratching with keys and also hypnotised me that the itch would go away. It is now around six weeks since Silvia hypnotised me and I have stopped the ear scratching which is easy because the itch is completely gone. My hearing was in danger of damage if I had continued this dangerous habit and thanks to Silvia , I stopped . I had tried to stop before and failed and I can honestly say I couldn’t have stopped only for Silvia help through top quality hypnotherapy . Thanks again Silvia ! I highly recommend you for hypnotherapy, your help has improved my life dramatically


My hope by sharing my story

Rated 5.0 out of 5
June 11, 2018

Don’t ask me how it’s gone, all I can tell you is that it is GONE! My hope by sharing my story is that others can see that there is a way out for them too. You don’t have to live your life as a prisoner to your issues.


I have had some incredible experiences with Sylvia

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 25, 2018

I have had some incredible experiences with Sylvia. She is an extremely knowledgeable and comforting therapist. You will instantly feel relaxed in her presence and oh boy will you come away from your appointment with Sylvia a new person! I know of a lot of people who have been to Sylvia for various different reasons and we all agree she is fantastic! I received hypnotherapy for my anxiety and it has worked a treat.


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