
Hi everyone , my name is John and I went to Silvia for a hypnotherapy session for early itch that has
bothered me for years, I used to be scratching the insides of my ears with keys etc which was
dangerous but I couldn’t stop doing it. Silvia hypnotised me to stop the bad habit of scratching with
keys and also hypnotised me that the itch would go away. It is now around six weeks since Silvia
hypnotised me and I have stopped the ear scratching which is easy because the itch is completely
gone. My hearing was in danger of damage if I had continued this dangerous habit and thanks to Silvia , I stopped . I had tried to stop before and failed and I can honestly say I couldn’t have stopped
only for Silvia help through top quality hypnotherapy . Thanks again Silvia ! I highly recommend you
for hypnotherapy, your help has improved my life dramatically !!!

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