Dee – Online Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

I decided to have hypnotherapy sessions with Silvia, following a difficult situation at work which triggered my anxiety from few years ago and I was in a constant state of dread and panic. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder few years ago and had been on medication which I had managed to come off. I had also spent about 2 years in counselling. When the anxiety came back this year, I wanted to try something different, something that would get to the root cause. That’s how I came across Silvia. Due to covid 19 all the sessions were on zoom. After just 4 sessions, I had a breakthrough. I no longer have the constant feeling of dread in me and I find that I don’t panic easily. I’m a lot more confident at work and I feel happy and a lot lighter. I no longer walk around with a pit in my stomach. I feel like I got a new lease on life, I never thought it was possible to feel this way.

Silvia is very compassionate and its very obvious how much she loves this work. I feel so fortunate to have had sessions with her. Thank you Silvia from the bottom of my heart.

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