We Do So Much More Than Weight-Loss
Did you know, at all Advance Hypnosis Clinic’s Nationwide, we also provide the following therapies: Quit Smoking, Stress & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias, Lifting Depression and All Quittings from the problematic to the complex, Career Progression, Exam Pressure, Confidence building, IBS, Dyslexia, Fibromyalgia plus lots more. Our therapies advisor Lisa would happy to assist you further and maybe answer any further questions you may have including the availability of appointments at your nearest Advance Hypnosis Clinic
Hypnosis To Stop Smoking

First and foremost, it is a well known fact that smoking is very hazardous to your health. Studies show that smoking can literally cut years off your life. Smoking can significantly damage the heart and lungs and has been shown to cause cancer. Additionally, smoking can yellow your fingers and teeth, cause premature aging of your skin, and cause you to have a more raspy voice over time. Smoking is also a very expensive habit, and the odor from cigarette smoke can infiltrate your clothing, hair, and surroundings to a significant degree.
As a result of the various costs and consequences of smoking, many smokers often recognize the need to kick this habit. But sheer will power alone is often not enough. Hypnosis has been used to help thousands of people quite smoking. Various studies over the years have shown hypnosis to have a fair degree of success with many individuals, not only helping them to initially stop smoking with ease, but to remain smoke free. Success rates vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the skill and technique of the hypnotherapist, the degree of commitment to stop on the part of the smoker who’s motivation is to enjoy a new, smoke-free lifestyle.
“Hypnosis for greater confidence”

Confidence is not necessarily something you either have or you don’t. You’re not just born with it. It is absolutely something that can be developed. Because feeling confident can have such a significant impact, it is very worthwhile to find ways to increase it. Hypnosis is an excellent way to do this. For some people, hypnotherapy can bring about results much more quickly and easily than traditional therapy or self-determination. The results are often lasting in many cases.
Hypnosis can be done by working directly with a trained hypnotherapist, with the hypnotic intervention geared towards a particular goal (in this case, becoming more confident) or by learning self-hypnosis methods which you can use yourself. It is fairly common to use a combination of all three in order to attain the desired results. Many times when someone seeks out the help of a hypnotherapist it’s because they heard it worked for someone else and therefore wish to attain that same success for themselves.
“Hypnosis for fears & phobias”

Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective treatment for many individuals with phobias. A significant percentage of the population suffers from a phobia of one type or another. For some individuals, it can be mildly distressing but manageable. For others, it can be seriously debilitating. A phobia is an irrational fear of a particular stimulus. This stimulus can be a situation, a thing, or an activity. People with phobias will either go to great lengths to avoid whatever it is they fear, or they will tolerate it with considerable anxiety. For some people, a phobia can trigger panic attacks. In severe cases the phobia can end up literally controlling a person’s life.
Hypnotherapy works by accessing the underlying cause of the phobia and eliminating the person’s conditioned response to the stimulus. When hypnosis is used to treat a phobia, the initial goal of the hypnotherapist is to discover the initial event from which the phobia developed. The cause is often a traumatic event which occurred at an earlier time in the person’s life. Often the phobic individual does not remember this event. It may be a memory which has been repressed for many years. Repression is a protective mechanism our mind utilizes by keeping memory of the trauma out of our conscious mind until we are ready and able to deal with it.
In order to access this memory, the individual will first need to be in an extremely relaxed state. The hypnotherapist will use techniques in order to help the person become very relaxed and focused. This state of heightened relaxation and focus is referred to as the hypnotic trance. It is during this state that the unconscious can be accessed. While in this trance state a person is very receptive to suggestion, which is what opens the door to bringing about the desired change.
Also, it is during this trance state that unconscious memories can be unlocked and brought to conscious awareness. The hypnotherapist does this by taking the person back to the place and time where the distressing event occurred. Addressing this old memory consciously will enable the individual to better understand it as well as begin to see it in a way which is no longer threatening. When this is achieved, the phobia will generally disappear.

If you are alive you have stress in your life. It is every bit as certain as death and taxes. Stress is a normal part of life, but for some individuals, stress can become so severe that it creates serious physical and emotional health issues. Regardless of the degree of stress, the better we learn to manage it and reduce it, the better off we are. And hypnosis can be an easy and effective way to do just that.
While you can go to a hypnotherapist for stress management, it is also fairly easy to learn some self-hypnosis techniques in order to deal with the stress in your life more effectively. There is nothing magical or mystical about it. Considering one of the primary tenets of hypnosis is that you must get into a deeply relaxed state, hypnosis makes perfect sense as a means to both reduce and manage stress.
When you are experiencing stress, your body is releasing hormones such as cortisol which can have detrimental effects on your health over time. Relaxation can help reduce this release, thus benefitting you physically in many ways. By taking the time in your daily or once a week to use utilise-hypnosis, you can significantly reduce the negative effects of stress in your life.

Depression afflicts millions of people in Ireland every year. For some, it is a brief episode which occurs only once in their life time. However, for many it is either chronic or recurrent, and can significantly impact their lives. It can become a very debilitating condition, and for a small percentage, in some extreme cases it may lead to suicidal tendencies. While drug companies tout the effectiveness of their latest anti-depressant, anyone who has battled the disorder knows that medication may not always be the best help. Not to mention, most medications are fraught with side effects. Psychotherapy can also be helpful, but again, does not work for everyone.
Hypnosis has become recognized as a popularially effective treatment for many individuals with depression. Some recent studies have shown that it is more effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is the most common therapy approach in treating clinical depression. While it does not work for everyone, it can definitely be worth considering if depression is seriously affecting your life and other types of treatment have not been helpful.
Hypnosis for depression can help address the underlying cause as well as help individuals find much more effective coping behaviors. It can also help people achieve a happier mood and decrease or dispel the pessimistic and negative thoughts that generally accompany depression. Hypnotherapy for this disorder will typically use a combination of suggestion and imagery to bring about positive changes in the unconscious processes of the depressed individual. People who undergo hypnosis for this disorder will often experience a new sense of freedom and a greater sense of control over their thoughts, their mood, and their life in general.
Since anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression, hypnosis can also be very beneficial because it helps reduce and often alleviate the anxious thoughts and feelings. Rather than remain stuck in the vicious cycle of painful thoughts and feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and hopelessness, hypnosis can help the person to develop a more positive outlook by using powerful self-suggestion. Rather than going through life reacting to difficult situations that would previously have felt overwhelming or hopeless, the individual learns how to respond effectively.
Article written by Wayne P Hennessy CHt advanced clinical hypnotherapist at Advance Hypnosis & Weight Management Clinic’s Nationwide