Ultra-processed food could increase cancer risk – study

Chicken nuggets
Article by Wayne P Hennessy CHt Advance Hypnosis & Weight Management Clinic Nationwide, Level 6 Food Science Certified

Chicken nuggets are just among a long list of ultra-processed foods which could increase cancer risk

Ultra-processed foods such as fizzy drinks, packaged bread and cake, cereal and processed meats could increase the risk of cancer, according to a new study.

Processed foods make up to 50% of the average person’s diet in some developed countries and could be contributing to rising cancer levels, researchers working in Brazil and France found.

Teams from the Sorbonne in Paris and the University of Sao Paulo found that a 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake was associated with a 12% increased risk of overall cancer the research also indicated an 11% increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Foods on the list included packaged breads, buns, pizzas and cakes, crisps, industrially-produced desserts, fizzy drinks, fish and chicken nuggets, instant noodles and soups, and frozen ready meals. As the increase use of additives within these and other processed foods may also be responsible for compounding further current underline health complications in consumers.

Findings, published recently in the British Medical Journal, were based on a survey of 104,980 healthy French adults with an average age of 43, measuring their intake of 3,300 different food items. Researchers also took into consideration other risk factors such as age, gender, levels of education, whether the participant smoked and family history of cancer.

These most recent studies would seem to suggest to investigate and highlight the unacceptable increased risk of cancer due to some of the chemical additives and synthetic lab generated pharmaceutical sugars which are commonly found in most processed products including the use of (HFCS) high fructose corn syrup the overall likelihood of someone developing cancer is greater   – and specifically breast cancer which may be associated with these ultra-processed foods.

ultra-processed food consumption is big business and as more and more food manufacturers develop more streamline economic ways to max their profits in this competitive sector these ultra-processed foods often have an unacceptable higher content of total fat, saturated fat, and added sugar and salt along with a lower fibre and vitamin density. All designed to prolong the shelf life of any given product which may not have the very best overall health of the end user in mind

For example some additives found in various processed foods products some of which may be carcinogenic, these have also been found in heat-treated processed food products, and many contain legal but controversial additives, such as sodium nitrite and titanium oxide.

At Advance Hypnosis Clinic’s we will always advocate farmers markets to source your fresh foods when making home-made or artisanal foods such as certain types of bread, cakes, biscuits, butter, meats, cheese, fruit and vegetables to use in domestic food preparation, as these tend to be made from more family based recipes and not subject to preserving agents and added sugars.

The point of our article is based on the premise that food produced industrially has a different nutritional and chemical composition from that produced in the home or by artisans.

The head of cancer research at the Irish Cancer Society said the most recent studies reinforce existing knowledge about how best to prevent cancer.

Dr Robert O’Connor tells us that we need to be cautious about processed foods because they are high in sugar and fat and cause weight gain. He said obesity increases the risk for some people of getting cancer and other diseases. He said eating a pizza or takeaway will not cause cancer, but having a mixed diet and an active lifestyle is the best way to stack the odds in your favour for not getting cancer period. Dr O’Connor also goes on to say that while some people are born with an inherent risk of cancer genetically regardless of their lifestyle it simply makes better sense to get back to nature.

Wayne P Hennessy CHt
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist at Advance hypnosis & weight management clinics nationwide. Level 6 Food Science Certified.
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